Tag: illustration
F is for Flukeman
E is for Eves

This was one of my favorite episodes when I was a kid! I loved that the twist was that these tween girls were so much smarter than everyone around them, and never got bored of it.
Socialist Feminism for the DSA’s Build zine

A few months ago, the Democratic Socialists of America’s Build project approached me about donating art to the Socialist Feminism issue of their zine. Build’s mission is to give people resources, tools, and inspiration to become active in their communities. I was especially excited to contribute to the Socialist Feminism issue because it’s a topic that really speaks to me.
To me, socialist feminism means considering how capitalism compounds with gender discrimination to systematically disadvantage people, and particularly those that aren’t cisgender men. Simply establishing some kind of gender parity at any level (especially within the ranks of the mega-wealthy) doesn’t actually solve the massive structural problems that keep most people in the US beholden to modern feudal lords.
I don’t believe in rehabilitating a system founded on theft and exploitation. We have to assert as communities (local, national, international) that we won’t stand for the elevation of any one person or group at the expense of others. I hope to share as many resources, tools, and inspiration with that cause as possible and contribute however else I can. People are more powerful than paper.
D is for Dissection
C is for Cigarette Smoking Man
B is for believe
A is for Abduction

I’m working on a #36daysoftype series of spoooky letterform illustrations. A is for Alien Abduction!