My azaleas are blooming 🥲
My azaleas are blooming 🥲
Hey folks, the Teenyrobots Comix Shop will be on HIATUS for the month of August! I will be making a much-overdue pilgrimage to the hinterlands to recharge the ancient crystals that power my corporeal form and hang out with my mom.
THEREFORE any orders received after August 1st will be shipped starting September 7th, after I have returned to the tropical paradise that I call my home. If you were hoping to snag some Teenyrobots beach reads before the height of summer, get those orders in soon!
TBT to this comic I made in 2013 about growing up walking distance to nowhere.
These last few months, I’ve been struggling to draw; every idea seems dumb and my hand has stalwartly refused to move good. Austin Kleon said once that problems of output are usually problems of input, so in a rare storm of good sense, I decided to read more comics.
Lynda Barry’s “Making Comics” came out this year, and it’s been sitting on my shelf. I read it cover-to-cover in a few days, and marked every exercise and prompt with a sticky flag. I’ve been keeping a version of Barry’s “compbook diary” and trying to complete a few other exercises each week. It’s been incredibly refreshing—since I started I’ve actually wanted to draw again!
Here are some drawings and diary images from this month that have made me feel like maybe I can still make comics:
Hey thanks, past me.