Warm-up witch

My next project is a post-water scarcity romp through the deep south. Stay tuned!
My parents have a young doberman and I miss this enormous, perfect dweeb alllllmost more than my family
Many years later I read “Pale Fire” (Nabokov, 1962) and was shocked to find it’s also about subjective reality, and a Lord Kinbote is the main character.
Bigfoot was built for the slopes, y’all. Available as a print here, and see the rest of the winter cryptids here. |
Keeping it cozy, deep sea style 🐙🧤 Available as a print!
All health insurance is a scam! Health insurance lines the pockets of the wealthy and at best bankrupts the poor or at worst outright kills us. Bernie is the only candidate dedicated to fixing our completely fucked up for-profit healtcare system.
I am permanently disabled due to lack of access to affordable health care after a serious, but entirely treatable, injury in my 20s. I have lots of friends with similar stories. Maybe you do too. No one should be walking with a limp or rationing medicine because they can’t afford to see a doctor. We can do better.